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Who owns the smart freelancer

About The Smart Freelancer

The Smart Freelancer is a blog on a mission to empower people around the world by teaching them how to build a successful freelance business. We believe that everyone can make money online, on their own terms, where they are, and live their dream.

Humble beginnings…🙇‍♂️

I started freelancing five years ago. At the time, I had an old HP laptop that sounded as if it was about to take off anytime I turned it on, an internet connection, and too much time on my hands. Luckily, this was all I needed. So I started my freelancing journey and began figuring out how to make money online. I signed up for every single site that offered even the slightest hope of money and soon came to realize it’s not as easy as ‘gurus’ make it seem.

I tried transcription, filling in surveys, solving captchas, random tasks like taking selfies, data entry, social management, and even content writing. I even tried selling vocal coaching gigs on Fiverr. Haha. To be honest, I don’t think there’s any online marketplace I haven’t signed up to. Or online revenue-generating thing I haven’t done.

Trying all these things out helped me quickly learn what works and what doesn’t. And as soon as I found something I loved doing that was making me money, I knew I was onto something. Immediately I found my niche, I learned the ins and outs, became a top-rated freelancer, scaled my freelancing business to unimaginable revenue, and figured out how to get clients to pay me more for my services.

I then got offered a full-time contract by one of my clients whom I have been happily working with. But my journey did not stop there. My friends started approaching me and asking for my help in navigating the freelancing world. And I knew I had to do something…

Why now? 🤷‍♂️

Right now, the world as we know it has changed a lot post-pandemic. And apart from the new normal, we are dealing with unprecedented inflation levels. Now more than ever, I recognize the need for extra income and new avenues of earning money. I hope that sharing my knowledge through this blog will help you utilize your current skills and find a sustainable way of meeting your financial goals with the current resources you have: a laptop/mobile phone, an internet connection, and free time.

Yup, those three things have helped so many people live their dream life. So if it gets tough (I can’t promise it won’t), remember: you have everything you need to change your life.

The Smart Freelancer.